April 20 rolled around and I had this KILLER headache which was really too bad because I was headed to a fabulous celebration event for Chick-fil-A making its debut in Chicago. I went to the event with some friends and wound up asking Alicia if she would drive me home because my head was killing me. Bless her heart she, at the time, didn’t know I was pregnant. There is no telling what she thought was going on cause I got in her car and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants because everything was just killing me!
When I got home I took Tylenol and went to bed. I woke up around 3am from the headache took more medicine and went back to bed. When I woke up about 7:30 I still had this headache so I called my doctors 24 hour nurses line. The nurse was delightful and asked me if I had a What to Expect book or the internet because I clearly needed to be in the ER. I didn’t go because it’s a headache for crying out loud! Then once I did speak with my doctor and she said I needed to go to the ER I went…reluctantly but I went. 8 hours late, 4 Tylenol, 1 CAT scan and one insanely painful Lumbar Puncture later, I headed home with a clean bill of health! What a mess! At this point I told many people I was pregnant, mainly to say please pray for me….I was SCARED at that hospital all alone! Jason was gone and I eventually called greatest friend ever, Rachael, to come sit with me (she stayed for 4 hours and fed me, yes she rocks and no you can’t have her). At this point I still hadn’t told my parents or Jason’s. How I made it though this day without telling them is a miracle!
Week 11
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