Dear Friends and Family,
As you know, Jason and I are about to experience a major time of transition in our lives with having a baby. It is a blessing from God that we praise Him for, and our hearts are filled with excitement and joy for this gift. In addition to the happiness and anticipation we’re experiencing we also possess a very real awareness of the need to bathe this whole season of life in prayer!
Let me know if you’re joining me on this journey by emailing me.
Love you!
-Mabrie and Jason (and little Baby B)
Baby’s Health
• For a healthy baby to be forming, free from disease and defect
• For the baby to go full term without complications
Spiritual Preparation
• For our spiritual roots. Pray Colossians 2:6 over us: “So then, continue to live in Him [Christ Jesus], rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
• That we would find time to diligently seek Him with all of our hearts
Marriage Preparation
• For our marriage to be strengthened through lots of prayer time together. That our love for each other would grow and have a firm, solid foundation going into parenthood
My Physical Health
• That I would crave healthy food
• That I would be protected from illness and infection
Baby-Related Decisions
• For guidance in figuring out how to handle the baby’s immunizations
Financial Preparation
• Clarity on what our new budget will/should look like
• That the baby would be delivered without complication
• For mental and physical strength for me
• That Jason would be in town for both labor and delivery
• For Jason to be mentality prepared and to be a great birthing coach
Spiritual Health
• That I would give God the first fruits of my free time, and that He would fill my cup daily – that I would not let my “to do” list consistently supersede my time with Him
• That we would look to God, not our circumstances, for our fulfillment and satisfaction, and that God would truly fulfill and satisfy us
My Mental Health
• For strength mentally, to push myself and keep a positive attitude even in times of tiredness
• For protection against post partum depression
Our Relationship With Each Other
• For protection over our marriage
• For God’s love to fill each of our hearts, and for us to love each other out of the fruit of the Spirit, not how we’ve been treated by the other person
Baby Issues
• That the baby would sleep well (it doesn’t hurt to ask!)
• That the baby would not have colic
• That the baby would nurse well
• That the baby would come to know and love the Lord at an early age
Thank you for considering praying with us! I am so grateful to God for you. I “always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in [my] prayers.” -1 Thessalonians 1:4
1 comment:
Mabrie, you are so precious. I love you, Jason, and BABY B! I'm praying for all 3 of you.
PS- Whenever I say/write/type "Baby B" I always think in my head "BABY B" just like Grayson screams it.
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