I immediately booked a Doctors appointment. But of course couldn’t get in until April 2.
So life went along as normal as we waited. Well, not exactly “normal”. We went the weekend we found out to look at strollers, stock up on vitamins and the best creams and oils money could buy (I’m paranoid about my skin stretching beyond repair). We wondered over and over when on earth we got pregnant! It was hard to pin point since I was so irregular.
We went to karate to test for our yellow belt and told our instructor the good news. He was the first person we told together.
Side note: I called my cousin, Mercedes, the morning after we found out. I called her at around 8am and she picks up the phone and before I can say anything blurts out, “Never have kids! Mine are driving me crazy today!” I love that’s what started me telling her…well…I am! Then I told my dear friend Rachael. I went to her house late one night while her family was sleeping to tell her. This was during my freak out stage. It didn’t last long but it was there. I was just so not prepared and freaking out that of all the times TO get pregnant Jason didn’t have a job! She prayed for me, reassured me I’d be fine and continued to email me scripture and prayer daily for awhile. I love you Rach!
Back to the karate story. So our Sensei, Tim, said, “As far as I’m concerned, you can practice in here until you drop water.” Gross! For that comment alone, I hope to “drop water” while I’m there!
April 2nd finally came after what felt like forever! I LOVE my new Doc! Dr. Amy Hoffman is a hilarious, considerate and kind…Perfect for us. Jason joined me for this appointment thankfully! We told her we weren’t sure how far along I was so she said she’d check. She gave me a hospital gown and left. I changed and then Jason and I set there joking about this device in the corner that looked naughty. She came back in and did the exam and told us I was 9 weeks along! 9 WEEKS!?!?! Again, in shock! How much alcohol have I consumed in that amount of time?
Here I am at 9 weeks!
And here’s the little peanut!

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